
Friday, 2 December 2016

Maori Words

kemu/ GameImage result for games logo
Image result for goals

nga/TeamImage result for team


Image result for practice

Friday, 25 November 2016

Maori words

atawhai/ kind
faitotonu/ honest

Image result for Being honestImage result for kind
Image result for politeImage result for helping

Friday, 18 November 2016

My Maori Words

Maori words
ru / Earthquake
Image result for Earthquake gif
aniwhaniwha/ Tsumami
Image result for tsunami gif
ngaru/ Waves
Image result for Waves gif
Image result for animated house gif
whare/ House buliding

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Test test test

Today we had our reading test. I felt nervous  because I think I could of  done better but i'm happy that I completed the test.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Light - Science intensive

Here is my writing

Today room 10 and I went to room 9 for science intensive and to learn about Light.
We went to room 9 and sat on the mat. Then we first had an question what is light. We answered back Light is , power , has energy running through light and the most important thing is sun because it has more energy so that we can have light in our world.
After that Mrs K was telling that we have 3 activity that we can learn about light.

Our Activity

Our activity was laser mirror,  Magnified and finally crystal ball light. First I went to Laser mirror. So what you have to do is get a laser and try to bounce it to the other mirror. Next one is Magnified with a paper so what I have done is I put the Magnified  on the paper everything look normal then when I put it on the glass it look different. So the last one is crystal ball and light. We had an light and we light the light and then we got the crystal and light it on the crystal. It looked like a rainbow so that was the end and it was morning the time.

Friday, 16 September 2016


Image result for There's no one better then youKāore i tua atu i a koe!: There’s no one better than you!

Kāore i tua atu i a koe!
There’s no one better than you!

There's no better then you Setaita

Thursday, 15 September 2016


Reading Response Journal

Title: The gift

Author:  Te Aorere Riddle

Today I read about  Mahue was coming last

I feel sad about what I read today because he was crying because he came last

My favourite character was nana  because she was helpful

I would feel sad  if the same thing that happened to my character, happened to me because i don’t like coming last

I think if the author decided to write another part to this story this is what will happen he came first for practice.